Fast Sunday
I think that Fast Sundays really aren't. They are sometimes the slowest day of all. You get going in the morning and then you realize that you have lots of time because you don't have to worry about breakfast or cleaning up from breakfast. You basically have to get ready and go to church. then you get to church and no one wants to bear their testimony so the time just drags on. Of course there are always the people who can't stand silence so they go up but it drags. then the rest of the meetings go on but you are hungry so you miss some of it. Then you wait until you can finally go home. In my case I have been there from 8:30 a.m. to at least 3p.m. and I am ready to eat anything. I love the idea that I can fast and draw closer to Heavenly Father. I know that he hears and answers my prayers but I am not sure that Fast Sunday is the best way for me to do this. I think I should fast some other day so I have things to do, but I suspect that is why we are supposed to fast on a Sunday so we don't get distracted but are able to concentrate. Today I was concentrating on Jess and Mark and the baby that isn't here yet. We are all praying that this little person will come soon because we are all tired of waiting. Babies are so wonderful but boy waiting for them is a real drag.
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